Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Perfect Homemade French Fry

No pics with this post, but these are my tips on the perfect french fry, based on something I saw on Food Network.  First, stop with the Russet potatoes.  I use Yukon Gold for fries and most things actually.  Second, whether you cut the potatoes thin or thick, make sure you soak them for at least 5 minutes.  Then, you will want to place them, in a single layer, on paper towels and pat them dry.  Make sure you oil is hot enough, but below the smoking point.  After the fries are to your idea of done, put them on a layer of paper towels and add that Lawry's cuz it is AWESOME!  Make sure whatever seasoning you use, it has to be while they are still wet with grease.

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