Monday, September 19, 2011

Creamy Pesto Chicken and Pasta

Another Campbell's Kitchen adaptation.  I like the recipes on this site, but rarely use actual Campbell's products due to added things like high fructose corn syrup and gluten that's added to their products.  With that said, their recipes are easily adaptable to any dietary guidelines you personally follow.  I try to cook as much gluten free food as my husband and I both get plenty in our beer and his sandwiches.

2 tablespoons of butter (you can use olive oil instead)
1 lb chicken, cooked and cubed
an Italian seasoning for your chicken
1 can of condensed cream of chicken soup (I used an organic option)
1/2 cup pesto
1/2 cup milk (I have not tried it, but unsweetened/flavored soy milk may work)
1/2 of a 1 lb bag of your fave pasta, cooked and drained (I use gluten-free pasta only)

1) cut chicken and cook in the butter/oil with seasoning over medium-high heat.

2) While you cook your chicken, bring water to boil and cook pasta

3) Stir in soup, pesto, and milk and heat to a boil

4) Reduce heat to low and cook for 5 minutes or until chicken is cooked through (though it really should already be cooked)

5) Stir in pasta and cook until mixture is hot and bubbling.

6) Serve with homemade garlic bread or cheddar biscuits (recipe to come)

This was super yummy!  When I said I was definitely making this again, my hubby thought I said I wasn't and started pestering me why lol.

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